Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bamboo Shoots in the Spring, 2015

  Golden Leopard, Latex paint, 2017
 Gingo Tree, latex paint, 3ft*5ft, 2016

Lotus, Latex paint, 2017

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Art Show 2014

Pink Flowers wtth Wall Paper
Red Flowers on the Porch
Two Apples
Color Reflection at the Willows Park
Sun Fllower
Red Yrees at Willos Park
Mudan Abstract- Shadow
Mudan Abstract-Is it a Womwn or a Bird?
Pink Mudan
Lotus Flower

Fishing Women at the Sea

Art Show 2014 at the Linden Farm

Linden Farm

Betty anf Eni at the Art Show 2014

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sun Flower (36 in square, mixed medium, 2013) 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Mudan, grow from seed May 24. 2013

This Mudan is grown from seed. It is completely different from all Mudan collections I had.