Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Willow Park near the pond

Morning at the Willow Park - the original

I painted many paintings at the Willow Park near my house. This small pastel version "Morning at the Willow Park" was my most tresured. The morning sun light filtered through the back of the trees. It is like a back-lid slide. One smells the fresh air of the morning and enjpys the tranquility of the world.

Purple Iris

Several years ago, my friend Hiroto showed me a meducal journal. Its cover is purple iris. He asked me if I can paint the purple iris for him as a gift for his professor. The Purple Iris is shown here at left.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The World's End State Park

The World's End State Park is located at the nothern end of Pennsylvania Turpike near New York State border. A group of my friends spent a weekend at a near-by farm. The painting shows a small white water river in the park. 

Bridge in Willow Park 柳園中的小橋

Willow Park is a beautiful park in Radnor township. It is a very popular place for local residence to walk, barbecue, have small gathering there. I painted many paintings there, especially in the fall when the leaves turn red and yellow. Willow was the private estate of Campbel Soup family. It was donated to the township many years ago.

Flower on my deck 陽台上的花


橋傍觀魚 Watching Fishes on a Bridge

My interpretation of "Qingmingshanghetu". Watching fishes on a bridge.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bryn Mawr College Students' seal

These are the seals made by the students of East Asia Study Program at Bryn Mawr College.  博懋學院東亞系學生的印刻作品。二堂課,每堂二小時。

Students' seals, ECCFC Family Camp

美東家營學生刻的印,一堂課, 二小時的作品。

紅色的柿子 Red Persimmon

Apple 蘋果

梅 Plum Blossom

Peking Opera 京戲中的鬚生

白色的漢馬 White Han Horse


紅色的漢馬 Red Han Horse


Summer Boats 夏日的船

Lotus Seeds 蓮蓬

夏日海邊 Beach Front in the Summer

Spring is Here


Banana, Apple and Wine


兔年 Year of the Rabbit

Paper cut of Rabbit 剪紙



Singing Frog


Gauguin's Fox


雞鳴 Roaster Singing

Singing Bird


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mummers 2000 in Philadelphia

Mummers Parade 是費城新年最熱鬧的化妝遊行。老鷹是代表費城的吉祥物,費城的足球隊就是老鷹,就是每年輸球,球迷死忠,還是為它瘋狂。左圖為化妝遊行的領頭的老鷹。

好采頭 White Turnip


Red Turnip 紅色的好采頭


Lotus Flower 荷花


百合 White Lily Flower

Fishing Birds on the Li River 灕江的魚鳥



Cruise in Li River in Guilin, China.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Goat brings luck 吉羊

泛舟獨釣 Lone Fishman

Embracing 久別重逢

Munch's painting 孟克的人物畫,久別重逢,緊緊的擁抱在一起,傳神之極。

Shall we dance? 請君跳支舞

Munch's painting. 孟克的人物畫。

三魚戲水 Matisse's Three Gold Fishes


Twin Fishes 雙魚戲水


Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Manayan Bridge


Twin Pines at Yellowstone Lake


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Great Plains near Yellowstone Park-1

Yellowstone Park, Bisons


Two Bridges across Sckukill River in Philadelphia


Tsingtao Beer and persimmons


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

黃石公園外的野花 Wild Flower at Yellowstone Park


Monday, November 17, 2008

近秋的荷葉 Lotus leaves in Early Autum




Rest after a day's work - 1

This is the original work of  "Rest after a Day's work" in pastel. It entered the juried exhibit "7th Annual Art Festival" 1998 at the Main Line Art Center. Nine years later I painted a second version of this picture in water color on canvas.